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Submitted: December 08, 2023 | Approved: September 27, 2024 | Published: September 30, 2024

How to cite this article: Singh L, Gahlot A, Singh AK. Prevalence of Risk factors of Non Communicable Diseases amongst Medical Students, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. J Community Med Health Solut. 2024; 5(2): 057-061. Available from:

DOI: 10.29328/journal.jcmhs.1001048

Copyright License: © 2024 Singh L, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Keywords: Non-communicable disease; Risk factors; Prevalence

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Prevalence of Risk factors of Non Communicable Diseases amongst Medical Students, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Lakshmi Singh1*, Anju Gahlot2 and Atul Kumar Singh2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Rama Medical College, Kanpur, UP, India
2Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Rama Medical College, Kanpur, UP, India

*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Lakshmi Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Rama Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, Email:

Background: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in India have increased from 37.9% in 1990 to 61.8% in 2016. They are slowly progressive are of long duration and are responsible for more than 50% of the global burden of disease Very few studies have been conducted that studied the prevalence of risk factors in non-communicable diseases among medical students. The authors observed that most of the students are at risk of developing NCDs, and the cumulative effect of risk factors bundles up and eventually leads to disease as students advance through their lives.

Aim and objectives: (i) To estimate the prevalence of risk factors of NCD amongst medical students, (ii) To study the association between various risk factors and NCDs in study subjects.

Settings and design: A cross-sectional analytical study involving 362 undergraduate students of Rama Medical College using simple random sampling.

Material and methods: The study used a pretested structured questionnaire which was conducted by using the WHO NCD steps approach.

Statistical analysis used: Data analysis was done by using M S Excel and software SPSS version 26.

Results: Our study results showed that physical activity is Prevalent in female students at 51% and in male students at 48.9%, almost equal. Junk food consumption had an overall prevalence of 69.34% of females outnumbering males in junk food consumption. The association of BMI with NCD as a risk factor was statistically significant in the current 75 smokers only.

Conclusion: There is a huge opportunity to reduce modifiable risk factors and NCD among our future doctors by encouraging them to change their behavior-related lifestyles such as smoking habits, alcohol use, junk food, etc.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung disease, are collectively responsible for almost 70% of all deaths worldwide [1]. The rise of NCDs has been driven by primarily four major risk factors: tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, and unhealthy diets. Few studies to date have examined the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among UGs and PGs [2]. Out of the available studies, tobacco and alcohol use prevalence was 9.0% in UGs and 7.1 in PGs [2-4]. Very few studies have been conducted that studied the prevalence of risk factors in non-communicable diseases among medical students. It is observed that most of the students are at risk of developing NCDs, and the cumulative effect of risk factors bundles up and eventually leads to disease as students advance through their lives. High prevalence of modifiable NCD risk factors among medical students, there is an urgent need to bring change in students’ lifestyles through health education and interventions [3-5].

Aim and objectives

1. To identify the risk factors associated with the development of NCD.

2. To estimate the prevalence of risk factors of NCD.

3. To study the association between various risk factors and NCD.

Study type: A cross-sectional analytical study.

Study population: Undergraduate Medical Students of Rama Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Study area: Rama Medical College and Research Institute.

Study duration: January 2021 to September 2022.

Sample size estimation

Prevalence of daily smoking men between ages 15-25 in a study conducted in the year 2012 by Dhanawat, et al. [5] was taken to be 31.2%.An allowable error of 5% was taken at a 95% confidence interval. By putting formula N=z2Pq/d2,





sample size came out to be 329 after adding 10% nonresponders it came up to 362.

Inclusion criteria: Medical students from first year to final year MBBS were included in the study.

Exclusion criteria: Those unwilling the study& Non cooperative students.

Sampling technique

The sampling method used in this study was simple random sampling, prepared by using the total MBBS student’s list of four batches namely 2018,2019,2020,2021 from their attendance register.

There were a total of 450 students on the list, 362 students were randomly selected, in EXCEL, by random number table.

Data collection

The study used a pretested structured questionnaire which was conducted by using the WHO NCD STEPS approach. The data was collected in 3 steps (step 1, step 2, step 3). Demographic information, behavioral risk factor profile, and family history of hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, COPD, Cancer, Mental health disorder, and diabetes were obtained using interview technique STEP 1 questionnaire.

Physical measurements of height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure, and pulse rate were measured as per the guidelines given by the WHO STEPS instrument (130) for chronic disease risk factor surveillance, in STEP 2. As recommended by the STEPS Manual, measurements of Step 2 were taken immediately after Step 1, as the participants were already seated for at least 15 minutes while collecting Step 1.

Blood pressure was measured by a semi-automated BP measuring electronic device that has been recommended by WHO for community-based studies. It was measured on the right arm and in a sitting position. Two readings with five minutes rest in between were recorded. The average of two readings was taken. But if there was > 5 mm Hg variation in diastolic BP and/or > 10 mm Hg in systolic BP, then a third reading was also taken and then the average of three readings was taken into consideration (Table 1). Weight was recorded by using the weighing machine without footwear, light clothing, standing still, facing forward, and both arms on the side. It was recorded in kilograms with an accuracy of 100gm. Height was measured using a stadiometer with an accuracy of 1 mm. Participants were asked to: remove footwear, stand straight with feet together, knees straight and looking straight, and not tilt their head up or down. Waist circumference was measured by using non-stretchable measuring tape with light clothing at the end of normal expiration with the arms relaxed at the sides and the midpoint between the lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest (hip bone). Hip circumference was measured by non-stretchable measuring tape, at the maximum circumference over the buttocks.

Table 1: Blood pressure and pulse rate measurements in study subjects: (N = 362).
Blood pressure Maximum Minimum Median Mean ± SD
Systolic Blood Pressure 152 96 120 120.30 ± 8.539
Diastolic Blood Pressure 100 57 80 77.82 ± 9.087
Pulse rate 106 58 74 75.67 ± 9.816
Ethical approval

Ethical approval of the study was obtained from the Ethical Committee of Rama Medical College and Research Centre, Mandhana, Kanpur(RMCH&RC/12052-11)(dated22/02/2021).

Data analysis

Data collected was entered into Microsoft Excel. Data analysis was done by using the software SPSS version 26. The prevalence of NCD risk factors was presented in the form of frequencies and percentages. Most of the variables in this study were categorical so statistical significance was tested using the Chi-square test and p - value (p - value ≤ 0.05 is statistically significant, and > 0.05 is not significant), and also the strength of association was tested between risk factors using an independent t - test.

Among study subjects (n = 362) female students were more than male students. The majority of the students i.e. 58.83% were from the 21-23 year age group, with a minimum of 18 years and maximum age of 26 years. Out of a total 90.33% were Hindu and 7.73% were Muslims.

The family history was positive for diabetes in 46.13% followed by hypertension in 41.71%. Obesity was next in line at 32.32%. It is quite evident that male students needed more attention. The majority of the students (78.5%) were physically active out of which 35.94% were doing it for > 150 mins/week. Prevalence of physical activity in female students was 51.05% and in male students, it was 48.94%. This association was statistically significant (p - value = 0.004) (Table 2).

Table 2: Distribution of status of physical exercise (n = 362).

Variable Frequency (No.) Percentage (%)
Exercise (n = 362)
yes 284 78.5%
no 78 21.5%
Time spent for exercise (n = 284) < 150 mins/week 181 64.06%
> 150 mins/week 103 35.94%

A large segment of students was non-smokers (91.16%). Among students who were smoking i.e., 15.15% were smoking more than 3 packets per week (Table 3).

Table 3: Distribution of Current daily smokers in study subjects & number of cigarette packets used per week by them.
Variable   Frequency (No.) Percentage (%)
Current daily smoker
(n = 362)
Smoker 32 8.83%
Nonsmokers 330 91.16%
Number of cigarette packets per week (n = 32) 1 packet 11 33.33%
2 packets 17 51.52%
3 packets 04 15.15%

Significant association of NCD risk factors like smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity with gender. The prevalence of smoking was highest among male students (93.75%), with the most common age group being 21-26 years. This was a statistically significant association (p - value = 0.000). The prevalence in male students consuming alcohol was 87.5.% and the prevalence was highest among 21-26 year-olds which was 64.24% and this was a statistically significant association.

In the present study the demographic profile of study subjects showed that out of a total of 362 study subjects,163 (45.02%) were male and 199 (54.97%) were female (Table 4), however study done by Sarkar J, et al. (2018) had 55.2% male students which is near to 54.97% of this present study.

Table 4: Demographic profile of the study subjects (n = 362).
Gender Frequency
Male 163 45.02%
Female 199 54.97%
Total 362 100%
Age (in years)
18 – 20 years 126 34.80%
21 – 23 years 213 58.83%
24 – 26 years 23 6.35%
Total 362 100%
Hindu 327 90.33%
Muslim 28 7.73%
Other 07 1.93%
Total 362 100%
Type of Family
Nuclear family 258 71.27%
Joint family 104 28.73%
Total 362 100%

Among the total study subjects those having a positive family history of various NCDs, 167 (46.13%) were Diabetics, 151 (41.71%) had a history of Hypertension, 117 (32.3%) were Obese, 12 (3.31%) had a history of Coronary artery disease, 04 (6.3%) were having a history of Rheumatic heart disease, 14 (3.87%) were having a history of Stroke, 13 (3.59%) were having a history of Dyslipidemia, 17 (4.70%) were having a history of COPD, 34 (9.39%) were having a history of Mental health disorder and 23 (1.10%) were having a history of Cancer (Tables 1,5). A study by Aday (2000) and Reddy and Prabhu [6] reported a positive association between family history and hypertension.

Table 5: Family history in study subjects (n = 362).
Family history in the study

Frequency (No.)

Percentage (%)

Diabetes 167 46.13%
Hypertension 151 41.71%
Obesity 117 32.32%
Mental health disorder

34 9.39%
Rheumatic heart
04 6.35%
COPD 17 4.70%
Stroke 14 3.87%
Dyslipidemia 13 3.59%
Coronary artery
12 3.31%
Cancer 23 1.10%

Lifestyle has long been associated with the development of many chronic diseases. Major NCDs share common lifestyle-related risk factors like physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, tobacco use, and harmful use of alcohol. With the advancement in society along with scientific and technological progress, there has been a dramatic shift in the way today human beings are leading their lives which is sometimes referred to as a modern way of living. Findings in the present study showed that the majority of students who were doing exercise was 284(78.5%), out of this i.e. 103(35.94%) were doing > 150 minutes/week, and 181 (64.06%) were doing < 150 mins/week, one of the reasons for this behavior is because of institutional recreational activity like indoor & outdoor games and establishment of gymnasiums, yoga training are arranged in the institution campus.

We have found that more proportion of students were non-smokers i.e. 330(91.16%) and non-alcohol users 348(96.13%). Out of 14(3.87%) students who consumed alcohol only 10 students have taken less than 2pegs per week i.e. (71.43%). Two female students agreed that they drink occasionally.

There was a significant association between the consumption of alcohol with gender, with p - value {p < 0.0001}. The BMI calculated in male (23.08 ± 3.045) and female (22.41 ± 2.571) students was almost equal (Tables 6-8). This along with weight, height waist circumference, and, WHR was statistically significant for NCD development (Table 9). A trend of more NCDs among individuals with higher BMI scores is seen as shown in a study by Rocha SV, et al. [7]. The high BMI has been associated with risk factors for hypertension. Individuals with higher BMI scores show physiological changes in the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, endothelial dysfunction, and functional abnormalities. These modifications increase the exposure to hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which can certainly be explained by the increased body fat mass. No association was present between primary diet and BMI in our study.

Table 6: Association of NCD risk factors and Gender (N = 362).
NCD Risk Factors Total Male Female χ2 P - value
No. Percentage No. Percentage
Current smokers YES 32 30 93.75% 02 0.06% 33.665 0.000
NO 330 133 40.30% 197 59.69%
Current  alcohol users YES 16 14 87.5% 02 12.5% 12.199 0.000
NO 346 149 43.06% 197 56.93%
Fruit intake < 5 servings 233 106 45.49% 127 54.50%   2.573   0.632
> 5 servings 80 35 43.75% 45 56.25%
NO 49 22 44.89% 27 55.10%
Vegetable  intake < 5 servings 270 115 42.59% 155 57.40%   5.597   0.133
< 5 servings 68 33 48.52% 35 51.47%
NO 24 15 62.5% 09 37.5%
Physical  activity YES 284 139 48.9% 145 51.0% 8.166 0.004
NO 78 24 30.76% 54 69.23%
Mental   stress YES 85 39 45.882% 46 54.117% 0.033 0.856
NO 277 124 55.2% 153 44.76%
Junk food YES 251 110 43.82% 141 56.17% 0.479 0.489
NO 111 53 47.74% 58 52.25%
Table 7: Association of NCD risk factors and Age (N = 362).
NCD Risk Factors Total 18 – 20 years 21 – 26 years  χ2 P - value
No. Percentage No. Percentage
Current daily smokers YES 32 9 28.125% 23 71.875% 0.746 0.388
NO 330 118 35.75% 212 64.24%
 Current alcohol users YES 16 05 31.25% 11 68.75% 0.108 0.742
NO 346 122 35.2% 224 64.73%
 Fruit intake < 5 servings 233 76 32.61% 157 67.38%  3.22  0.521
> 5servings 79 30 37.9% 50 63.29%
No 49 21 42.85% 28 57.14%
 Vegetable intake < 5 servings 270 94 34.81% 176 65.18%  7.867  0.049
> 5 servings 68 19 27.94% 49 72.05%
NO 24 14 58.33% 10 71.4%
physical activity YES 284 139 48.94% 145 51.05% 8.166 0.004
NO 78 24 30.76% 54 69.23%
 Mental stress YES 85 39 45.88% 46 54.11%  0.033  0.856
Table 8: Association of NCD risk factors and BMI (N = 362).
NCD Risk Factors Total BMI (< 24.9) BMI (≥ 25) χ2 P - value
No. Percentage No. Percentage
Current daily smokers YES 32 14 43.8% 18 56.3% 19.956 0.000
NO 330 261 79.1% 69 20.9%
Current alcohol users YES 16 11 68.8% 5 31.3% 0.478 0.490
NO 346 264 76.3% 82 23.7%
Physical activity YES 284 222 78.2% 62 21.8% 3.501 0.061
NO 78 53 67.9% 25 32.1%
Mental stress YES 85 60 70.6% 25 29.4% 1.760 0.185
NO 277 215 77.6% 62 22.4%
Table 9: Physical measurements of study subjects (N = 362).
Physical measurements Maximum Minimum Median Mean ± SD
Height (cm) 185 150 165 165.12 ± 8.336
Weight (kg) 95 41 61 61.44 ± 9.15
BMI (kg/m2) 32.9 17.4 22.2 22.70 ± 2.79
Waist circumference (cm) 118 54 82 81.43 ± 8.98
Hip circumference (cm) 120 73 96 96.47 ± 8.19
Waist: Hip ratio(WHR) 1.13 0.62 0.8400 0.847 ± 0.06

The current study found a significant prevalence of risk factors for Non-Communicable diseases, emphasizing the importance of interventions to reduce these risk factors. There is a huge opportunity to reduce modifiable risk factors among our future doctors by encouraging them to change their behavior-related lifestyles such as smoking habits, alcohol use, junk food, etc.


Outdoor activities should be encouraged. Smoking in public places, public transport, and indoor workplaces to reduce harmful exposure to non-smokers must be banned. Physical activity should be, at least 30 min per day on most of the days of the week. High-risk subjects in families should be observed and kept in isolation.

Author’s contribution

All the authors have contributed to planning, and designing the study, data analysis, writing, and reviewing of the manuscript.

We would like to thank all the study participants for their cooperation and valuable time during the study.

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